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Lake Life With Molley And Chad Podcast

Sep 1, 2022

Episode 20:  In this episode, Molley and Chad record from the Lake Cumberland State Dock Dock Crawl 2022 event.  It’s definitely a party atmosphere.  They had a great time experiencing the fun and conducting interviews for the podcast.  Some of the interviews may not be suitable for children, so you may want to listen to Dock Crawl episodes when they’re not around. 

Molley mentions Mandy and Travis from Episode 15 invited them to participate in the Dock Crawl this year.  Molley and Chad interviewed several people who are annual slip renters at the State Dock.  This was definitely a team effort and we’d like thank everyone who helped to make this possible.

Interview with Tammy and Scott Auberry

Tammy and Scott are from Bardstown, Kentucky.  They have a slip in the 300 row.  They love the neighbors they have at the dock.  Tammy and Scott love the Lake Life on State Dock.  Chad thinks it’s one of the nicest docks in the area.  It’s a true community.  Scott explains that lake people are lake people.  They become a second family. 

Their Advice for Future Boaters

Don’t neglect the opportunity to get a boat.  Scott says you need to get to a slip on the 300 row.  It doesn’t matter what size boat you get.  Once you get a taste for the Lake Life, you’ll never leave.

Tammy shares a brief story.  They had known about each other for a while.  They finally started dating and got married in 2021.  Tammy commissioned a song for Scott.  She sent it to Nashville to record it.  It turned out awesome.  Scott heard it for the first time, last weekend.  Tammy wrote the outline for the lyrics.  It’s become “their” song.  Chad included some of the song in the track in this episode.

Interview with Donzi Dale and Sandy

The interviews were recorded on Dale and Sandy’s houseboat.  Dale refurbished the boat and it’s terrific.  Dale and Sandy just got their 300 slip this year.  They’ve used rows 200 and 500, but the 300 row is their favorite.

Dale and Sandy are from West Chester, OH and come down to the lake pretty much every weekend.  They try to head to the dock on Thursdays.  Interestingly, they come down pretty much year-round.  The people are their favorite part of the Lake Life experience. 

What’s the One Landmark that Lets Them Exhale

Both Sandy and Dale agree it’s the Mt. Vernon exit sign.  That’s when they know they’re back to the lake, even though it’s an hour or so away from the Lake Cumberland.  It’s right off I-75 on the backroads.  Molley and Chad travel from Louisville.  Chad says their landmark is on 127 as they come out of Liberty, KY.  That’s when the cell signal goes out and Molley finally has to stop working. 

Dale comments about how the people really make this such a fun experience.  Similar to Tammy and Scott, the dock community is like a family.

Molley Asks Dale about Their Other Boat

They also have a 38’ Donzi, which is how Dale got his nickname.  They love participating in poker runs (listen to Episode 10 about Poker Runs and other events).  Dale says they’ve done them in the Bahamas, Key West and all across the country.

Chad and Dale agree Lake Cumberland is hard to beat.  All of the lakes will be different, but Lake Cumberland is something special.  They discuss the various types of boating and this houseboat may have convinced Chad and Molley to seriously consider getting one.

The Dock Craw is actually a fun competition and people use it to unwind and simply enjoy the Lake Life.

If Dale and Sandy Won the Lottery, What Boat Would They Buy?

Dale quickly answers he’d buy a bigger houseboat.  Sandy immediately agrees. 

Their Advice for Someone Deciding to Buy a Boat

They both agree the new boater will love the boat and the people.  Boaters are boaters.  Once you experience it, you’ll finally understand it.

Going Remote at the State Dock Dock Crawl

Molley explains that getting the remote microphones connected was something they really wanted to do for these next segments.  Again, the language is a bit salty, so it’s not for young listeners.

Interview with The Cheerleaders and Others

The first interview group is Matthew, Sean, Eric and Shawn are from Cincinnati.  The theme for the 300 row is Animal House.  As you can tell, the party is definitely in full-effect. 

Molley then took the opportunity to speak with Key and his wife, Karen.  They are introducing the crowd to the Dean Wormer’s shot.  Key is from northern Wisconsin.  He’s been coming down to Lake Cumberland for about 7-8 years.  Key has a Formula cuddy.  They also have a house near Jamestown.

We’d like to thank our friends for helping to make this episode possible.  Be sure to come back for Episode 21 (in 2 weeks) for the conclusion of our interviews during the Lake Cumberland State Dock Dock Crawl 2022.

That’s a wrap for this episode.  We hope you found it helpful, insightful and maybe a little entertaining. 

Thanks for Listening!

If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider sharing it with your social media friends.  We hope to see you out there soon.  Until next time, here’s to warm weather and calm waters!

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